Food Industry
Steam provides a convenient means for transferring energy throughout a food processing plant. When properly engineered and installed, a steam system is reliable, safe and economical. A wide choice of fuel sources can be used to generate steam contributing to its flexibility as a heat transfer vehicle. Steam may be used for indirect heating of food products or may be directly incorporated in foods for heating using a wide array of commercially available equipment. In addition, steam can be used for non-food processing activities (e.g. space and surface heating) throughout the facility. Estimation of steam use is possible using simple mathematical equations. Finally, steam can be precisely controlled, helping to make processes consistent and repeatable.
Applications for steam requirements in food industries are generally Sterilizing, Cooking, Cleaning, Drying, Curing, Temperature Control.
Number of ovens in food industry work on standard fuels like oil, natural gas or LPG. Due to high cost of these fuels, many are converting to alternate fuels like coal gas or biomass based gaseous fuels as a cost saving method. We have supplied number of burners for alternate fuels to the food industry.